It's crucial that you contact a veterinarian immediately if your cat is experiencing pain in their foot. They will be able to properly diagnose the cause of the pain and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Here are some potential reasons why your cat may be experiencing pain in their right foot and why it's important to see a vet:
* Injury: A sprain, fracture, or puncture wound could be causing pain.
* Infection: A cut or wound can become infected, leading to pain and swelling.
* Foreign body: A thorn, splinter, or other object could be lodged in the paw.
* Arthritis: This can cause pain and stiffness, especially in older cats.
* Other medical conditions: Certain medical conditions like diabetes or kidney disease can affect the paws.
Please don't try to treat your cat yourself. A vet is the only one qualified to provide the proper diagnosis and treatment.