Will cat whiskers grow back if they got pulled out?

Yes, cat whiskers will grow back if they are pulled out.

Here's why:

* Whiskers are specialized hairs: They are not just ordinary hair. They are connected to nerves and are sensitive to touch, pressure, and even airflow. This helps cats navigate their surroundings, detect prey, and even gauge the size of spaces they can fit through.

* They are follicles: Like all hairs, whiskers grow from follicles, which are small pockets in the skin. These follicles stay intact even when a whisker is pulled out.

* Regeneration: Once the whisker is pulled out, the follicle will begin to produce a new one. It can take several weeks for a new whisker to fully grow back.

Important: While whiskers will grow back, it's essential to avoid pulling them out. Pulling on whiskers can be painful for your cat and can potentially damage the follicle, leading to a delay in regrowth.