How to Treat a Kitten's Irritated Bottom

If you notice your kitten constantly licking her bottom and the area appears red and irritated, use topical treatments to provide relief. An irritated bottom may be symptomatic of a bigger health concern, including intestinal worms or feline leukemia. The kitten will require additional treatment if the irritated bottom is due to a larger health issue. Find out the reason for your kitten's irritation as soon as possible to avoid causing the animal undue pain and suffering.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean rag
  • Water
  • Cotton balls
  • Aloe vera gel
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      Have a friend or family member hold the kitten on her back so her paws are in the air. Maneuver the tail so you have access to the anal area. This usually involves holding the tail down. Look for signs of redness inflammation as well as worms, which may appear like grains of rice, and use a clean, wet rag or paper towel to gently remove any traces of fecal matter from the kitten's anus, wiping the surrounding area and fur clean in a direction away from the genitals.

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      Soak a cotton ball in aloe vera gel or aloe vera juice. The kitten should still be in the same position as she was when you were cleaning the anal area. Hold the kitten's tail down and gently press the cotton ball gently against the anus. Aloe vera provides instant soothing relief for any irritated skin and helps reduce pain and inflammation. Allow the aloe vera to soak into the skin for as long as possible, preferably at least 30 seconds to two minutes.

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      If you found any objects that resemble grains of rice, if repeat treatment with aloe vera doesn't clear up the redness and swelling within a few days, or the condition appears to be worsening, take your kitten to the veterinarian, who will examine her. Fecal testing can help to diagnose parasites, inflammatory bowel disease and viral or bacterial infections, which can cause diarrhea and anal irritation/redness in kittens. Depending on the diagnosis, your vet may prescribe worming medication, diet change, antibiotic medication or ointment, among other treatments.