Why Do Cats Shake Their Feet When They Go Out in the Cold?

Cats are mysterious creatures. Many cat habits baffle human owners, such as the ritual of shaking their feet when they go out in the cold. Cats, however, don't always perform this ritual. When they do, they usually have good reasons.
  1. Cat Paw Anatomy

    • The cat has five phalanges on the front paws as well as on the back paws. These extensions are covered with fur on the top and bottom. The "palm" of the paw, however, is not covered with fur. The cat walks on its toes to protect this tender foot part. This part of the foot is more sensitive to temperature and moisture because it does not have fur to absorb foreign materials before it reaches the skin.

    Temperature Regulation

    • When cats step outside, the first thing they feels is the temperature of the ground on their paws, especially where they do not have fur. Cats may walk on their toes, but the cold or heat of the ground surface still affects their paws. Cats shake off their feet in an attempt to regulate the temperature of their feet. This is also the reason cats climb on warm cars.

    Item Removal

    • Cats' phalanges separate the same as human's, but cats have more fur and skin between their toes. Objects, such as dirt, stones and other foreign bodies get stuck in cats' toes. If cats leave the house and step onto a gravel driveway or other rocky area, they shake their feet to remove the tiny, annoying stones they pick up. Cats are not discretionary, however, and shake their paws anywhere they become clogged.

    Caring for Cat Paws

    • If you notice that your cat is shaking his paws excessively, lift up its paws and check for foreign substances or splinters in the toes and palm area. Wipe off the cat's paws when it enters the house to help it warm or cool the paws and remove any small stones. If your cat will tolerate it, place booties on it before it leaves the house to help it avoid extreme heat conditions. If you let the cat out onto a concrete area, choose another spot to let it out on warm days to avoid burning its feet.