Does Grass Ease a Cat's Tummy Ache?

A stomach ache in cats may be caused by a hairball, digestive problems, poisoning, infections, parasites, kidney disease, tumors or the irritable bowel syndrome. The treatment of a stomach ache varies according to the underlying condition, and it may consist of a change in diet, medication treatment or natural remedies. Cats often snack on grass when they have a stomach ache, and this ingredient is helpful in certain conditions that cause a tummy ache.
  1. Grass for Digestion

    • Grass can ease a cat's stomach ache if it has a hairball or digestive problems. According to VetInfo website, grass stimulates digestion because it contains fibers and amino acids. Felines are carnivores and their diet contains up to 30 percent protein, which may be difficult to digest. Additional fibers facilitate the digestion of meats. Eating grass may also induce vomiting, and this can be beneficial for cats that have a stomach ache due to a hairball, the ingestion of a poisonous substance or a nonfood item. If not chewed properly, the texture of grass tickles the stomach lining and the cat is likely to vomit and eliminate the contents of its stomach, including the hairball.

    Additional Benefits of Grass

    • Grass is a source of vitamin E, folic acid and other B group vitamins. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and may benefit the cat's overall health and immune system, improving the health and appearance of the skin and coat. Folic acid, niacin and vitamin B12 are needed in the cat's diet and these are found in grass. These vitamins play a key role in metabolism, improve immunity and prevent anemia.

      The chlorophyll molecules in grass stimulate blood flow, according to VetInfo.

    Grass Doesn't Always Ease Tummy Ache

    • If your cat has a stomach ache caused by a serious condition such as kidney or liver disease, stomach cancer or parasites, giving it grass will not alleviate the pain. Watch out for additional symptoms in your pet and consult a veterinarian for a suitable treatment.

    Toxic Greens

    • Certain plants may be toxic for cats. Check if the plants you have in your home are safe for felines because cats tend to chew on grass and other greens, so they may ingest plant leaves as well. Plants that are toxic to cats include aloe, gardenia, ivy, begonia or geranium. Pesticides or fertilizers may also be toxic for felines. Buy grass or catnip from pet stores or plant a few alfalfa sprouts in planters and make sure you don't use any pesticides or fertilizers.