Orphaned Kittens
Kittens that are orphaned should not drink cow milk or human baby formula, which can give them diarrhea and lead to dehydration. Newborn kittens get the nourishment they need from their mothers, but if the mother isn't available, use a commercial milk replacement with a drop of plain yogurt. A veterinarian should monitor kittens that are ill or dehydrated.
Newborn Kittens
Newborn kittens that won't nurse from the mother are at risk of illness and death. Eating problems occur in kittens that are premature, weak or when the mother isn't producing enough milk. Use an eyedropper to feed it a commercial cat-milk alternative and consult your veterinarian if your kitten won't nurse. Kittens that won't eat will become dehydrated and malnourished.
Recently Weaned Kittens
Most weaned kittens and adult cats are lactose intolerant, and drinking cow's milk can cause diarrhea and dehydration. While a few spoonfuls of milk might be alright as a treat, discontinue if your cat gets sick. If your kitten isn't eating and was recently weaned, supplement its food with lactose-free commercial cat milk from your pet store or veterinarian's clinic.
Older Kittens
If your older kitten isn't eating and was weaned months ago, try changing its food or mixing it with the juice from a can of tuna. While cats are lactose intolerant, they can usually digest small drops of plain, whole-milk yogurt on their food, and the probiotics it contains may even help their stomach. Consult a veterinarian if your older kitten goes more than 24 hours without eating.
Should You Have Your Kitten Drink Milk If it Isn't Eating?
It's a common image: a kitten drinking milk from a bowl. However, most cats are lactose-intolerant and can get extremely sick after drinking cow's milk. If your kitten won't eat, there are commercial cat-milk replacements available at most pet stores. Sick or undernourished kittens will only get worse if they drink cow's milk; the diarrhea it causes can lead to dehydration and even death.