Treatment for a Cat's Anal Prolapse

Anal prolapse is the protrusion of the red mucous tissue lining of the rectum. Anal prolapse can occur briefly after your cat has a bowel movement but usually corrects itself after a few minutes.There is no known specific cause for this condition in cats, however veterinarians check for ailments that cause irritation and discomfort and work to resolve them. With proper diagnosis and treatment, Anal prolapse can be controlled or eliminated.
  1. Ailments Associated with Anal Prolapse

    • Tape worms and other intestinal parasites can irritate the area around the anus and are the most common causes for itching and pain. Check for a grouping of rice-like debris around the cat's hindquarters for an indication of worms.

      Constipation can cause cats to behave like their hindquarters are hurting. Cats clean themselves, frequently ingesting their fur. This can cause serious constipation and pain in the anal area.

      Fleas, anal sac irritation, allergies, constipation and an inability to groom can cause discomfort for cats. Veterinarians treat these conditions which usually resolve the problems in the anal area.


    • Anal prolapse can be mistaken for rectal prolapse, a more serious condition that requires surgery. Anal prolapse is a protrusion of the outer layer of the anus, while rectal Prolapse is the protrusion of the inner rectal tissue. Left without treatment, rectal prolapse can be life threatening. You should take your cat to a veterinarian immediately to determine a diagnosis.


    • An over-the-counter topical hydro-cortisone ointment is usually helpful for cats diagnosed with anal prolapse. Hydro-cortisone reduces the itching, swelling and redness in the anal area. Gently clean the area before applying the medication with a cotton swab.

    Preventing Reoccurrence

    • Take precautions against the causes of discomfort and you can reduce the likelihood of Anal prolapse reoccurrence. Introduce more fiber into your cat's diet to avoid constipation. If obesity is causing poor grooming, a healthier diet and regular exercise is required.

      Cats that spend extended amounts of time outside have an increased likelihood of contracting worms and parasites. Look for symptoms that indicate parasites and have your cat checked regularly by a veterinarian for parasite prevention.


    • Conditions often mistaken for anal prolapse include anal gland infections, rectal polyps, hernias and tumors. Surgery is sometimes required to correct these. Blood in a cat's stool is also an indication of a more serious problem. Consult a veterinarian to determine any problems and the proper treatment.

      This information is provided for educational purposes and not to replace the medical advice of a veterinarian. You should consult a qualified professional if your cat shows signs of anal prolapse or other ailments mentioned.