How to Apply an E-Collar to a Cat

An Elizabethan collar, commonly called an E-collar, is a cone-shaped plastic device that goes around a cat's neck. These collars are frequently used after a cat has undergone surgery or been injured to prevent the cat from licking its wounds. If your vet has recommended an E-collar, it can be tempting to avoid the hassle, but E-collars are important devices that keep injured cats safe. To apply an E-collar to your cat, it's important to be patient but persistent.

Things You'll Need

  • E-collar
  • Cat treats
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      Allow your cat to sniff the collar before you place it on your cat. Give your cat lots of treats and speak calmly and sweetly to it while stroking its fur.

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      Unfold the collar so that it is flat. While holding your cat, wrap the shorter end of the collar around your cat's neck. Give your cat treats while you do this. Avoid pinning your cat to the ground or holding your cat too tightly, both of which will increase your cat's fear of the Elizabethan collar.

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      Close the collar using the plastic strips once it is wrapped around your cat's neck. These strips are usually adjustable pieces of plastic on one side of the collar that fit into slots on the other side. The collar should be tight enough that your cat cannot pull it off, but loose enough that you can easily slide two to three fingers between it and your cat's neck.

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      Give your cat a treat and lots of praise after you've applied the E-collar. Most cats will react with panic in the first few minutes after being placed in the collar. Distract your cat by playing with it. Give your cat extra treats, attention and play time while it's wearing the collar.