Herbal Remedies for Fleas on a Two Month Old Kitten

Fleas can infest young kittens, causing itchy skin, anemia and a tapeworm infestation if ingested. While topical flea medications can rid your kitten of these pests, some contain toxic insecticides called organophosphate compounds, according to the WebMD website. To avoid the use of these products, use herbal remedies to provide your kitten with relief from fleas naturally.
  1. Hydrosols

    • When manufacturers use herbs to make concentrated extracts called essential oils through steam distillation, hydrosols are also formed as a by-product of production. These liquids have similar properties to the essential oils, though in a much less concentrated version. Made from herbs, you can use these liquids to treat fleas on a kitten safely, unlike with essential oils that can cause toxicity, according to Kristen Leigh Bell, author of "Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals." Hydrosols that control fleas include cedar, rosemary, lavender and lemon.

    Bathing and Treatment

    • Use herbal hydrosols to repel fleas naturally from a kitten's skin and coat. Dilute a gentle, non-soap kitten shampoo with a rosemary or cedar hydrosol by 30 percent. Combine the diluted shampoo with an equal amount of water and use it to bathe a kitten to help rid it of fleas, says Suzanne Catty, author of "Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy." Rinse the kitten thoroughly with warm water and pour the hydrosol over the kittens damp fur to sooth the skin and repel fleas naturally. You can also spritz the hydrosol on your hand and massage it into the kitten's damp fur with your fingers.

    Herbal Collars

    • Make your own herbal flea collars for the kitten using cotton muslin or cheesecloth, and dried herbs. Combine equal parts dried peppermint, lavender and rosemary, crushing the herbs with a mortar and pestle to turn them into a coarse powder. Wrap the cloth around the herbs several times to form a tube and tie the collar loosely around the kitten's neck. Activate the collar by regularly spritzing it and your kitten with a flea-fighting hydrosol such as lavender, cedar or rosemary, says Kristen Leigh Bell. You can also use the powdered herbs to make your own flea powder to sprinkle directly on the kitten's fur and around your home.

    Considerations and Warnings

    • Use herbal hydrosols and collars to repel fleas from your two month old kitten safely. If purchasing a ready-made herbal product such as a spray, collar or shampoo, make sure it does not contain essential oils, because cats cannot metabolize them. Some commercially available herbal collars are soaked in essential oils, unsafe for kittens. Purchase products made for cats specifically, not dogs. Between baths, spritz a lavender or chamomile hydrosol on the kitten's fur if you see it scratching. These herbs not only repel fleas, but also soothe itchy skin.