Will Colloidal Silver Help a Cat That Is Sneezing Blood?

Witnessing your beloved cat sneeze blood can be a scary and nerve-wracking experience. Cats can sneeze up blood for a variety of reasons --- some serious and others not. If the root cause of your cat's bloody sneezing is the result of a bacterial or viral infection, colloidal silver can help boost his immunity and make him feel better until he can receive proper veterinarian care.
  1. The Reasons Why a Cat is Sneezing Blood

    • If you notice your cat sneezing blood, contact your veterinarian immediately. The cause of this symptom may be nothing to worry about, but it's always better to err on the side of caution. A cat may sneeze blood because due to a small object (such as a blade of grass or a piece of cat food) stuck inside his nasal passage. This blockage will often go away on its own, but in some situations you may need to take your cat to a vet to have it surgically removed.

      If your cat is sneezing blood due to a blockage in the nasal passage, colloidal silver will not help him. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and has immune-boosting properties, so it will only help a cat that is sneezing due to a more serious problem.

      Other common reasons for sneezing blood include allergies and a bacterial infection. If your cat has a viral or bacterial infection, colloidal silver will indeed help your cat and make him feel better.

    How Colloidal Silver Can Help

    • Colloidal silver, composed of microscopic silver particles suspended in a liquid, is not FDA approved in humans as of 2011, but you can use it to treat viruses and bacterial illnesses in cats and other animals. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic, and it will kill off the bacteria, viruses and other pathogens in your cat's body that may be causing it to sneeze blood. Commonly used in the field of holistic medicine, colloidal silver has antimicrobial, antiviral and antiparasitic properties.

    Colloidal Silver Boosts Your Cat's Immunity

    • Even if your cat is not sneezing blood due to a bacterial or viral infection, supporters of colloidal silver claim that colloidal silver will boost your pet's immune system. Because colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties, it kills anaerobic viruses, yeast and bacteria in your cat's body, which lessens the workload of your cat's immune system. For this reason, colloidal silver is often referred to as a "second immune system." Your cat will heal quicker with the use of colloidal silver.

    How Colloidal Silver Works

    • If your cat is sneezing blood due to a virus or bacterial infection, you can give it colloidal silver to drink. This liquid is tasteless, so you can easily add it to your sick cat's drinking water. Once colloidal silver is in your cat's body, it will disable the bacteria or virus' ability to produce oxygen. As a result, the pathogens will suffocate and die. Your cat's body will eliminate the now-dead virus or bacteria through its regular elimination system. Colloidal silver won't harm your cat's normal body enzymes, since it only destroys single-celled pathogens.

      Once the pathogen causing your cat's illness is eliminated, your cat will feel better and he will no longer be sneezing blood.