When Can You Declaw a Kitten?

Declawing a kitten is a controversial subject. Some say it is a cruel, inhumane, unnecessary surgery, while others call it a good way to harmonize the relationship between the cat and the owner. Whatever your opinion is, the general consensus is that if you are going to declaw, do not do it before the kitten is 3-4 months old.
  1. Surgical Methods

    • Declawing is known medically as onychectomy. The cat is placed under anaesthetic and the entire last joint of each digit is removed. Thus, 10 amputations of joints occur during a declawing, one per toe. Kittens heal and recover much faster than older cats.

    Advantages of Declawing

    • Declawing is generally something owners do to prevent their furniture from being ripped to shreds. As scratching is a normal instinct for a cat, declawing is one way of solving the problem and preventing resentment between kitten and owner.

    Disadvantages of Declawing

    • Kittens that have been declawed cannot be outdoor cats; they must be kept indoors from that point on because they can no long defend themselves effectively. Your cat's personality may also change after the surgery.

    Alternatives to Declawing

    • Try using a cat-repellant spray on your furniture as a training tool instead of declawing your cat. Other alternatives include nail caps for the claws, scratching posts and trimming the cat's nails regularly.