Natural Cures for a Sneezing Kitten

It is likely that your kitten's sneezes are harmless, but sneezing is sometimes symptomatic of more a serious condition such as bacterial infection, the presence of a foreign object or even nasal cancer. Get your kitten to the veterinarian if her sneezing persists. In the meantime, there are some natural remedies you can try.
  1. Irritant Removal

    • Make sure there isn't a foreign object lodged in your kitten's nose or throat that's causing all the sneezing. Once you've ruled that out, try removing other possible irritants, such as cigarette smoke, incense, candles and household fresheners. What seems mild to the human nose can feel overwhelming to a kitten.


    • Try healthy, aromatic food as a natural remedy for your kitten's sneezing.

      The younger the kitten, the more susceptible it is to colds and respiratory infections that lead to clogged nasal passages. If you suspect a cold, feed your kitten particularly healthy and aromatic foods. Good-smelling foods will entice even a congested and ailing kitty so its sure to get all of the vitamins and nutrients she needs.


    • Homeopathic medicine could relieve your sneezing kitten.

      Homeopathic remedies are based on the notion that "like cures like," a concept similar to vaccination except that the treatments are milder and based on natural sources. Several homeopathic products claim they will relieve your kitten of sneezing and watery eyes. Common ingredients include borax, phosphorous and pulsatilla. Administer by sprinkling one or two drops on the tongue as directed.


    • Borax is a naturally occurring mineral used for many conditions. In small, controlled doses, it can work well as an anti-fungal or decongestant. In large, more concentrated doses, it is used as a flea-killer and a detergent. If you intend to try borax to relieve your kitten's sneezing, be sure to purchase it in a form designed specifically for your purpose.