My Cat Has a Round Sore on His Back

Health is always a top concern of a pet owner. Noticing an unusual sore on your cat is an alarming, but effective, indicator of potential problems your pet may be having. Bumps, lesions and sores indicate auto-immune diseases, allergies, dermatological diseases, infections or more serious health problems. If you notice any abnormal sores or lesions, seek the advice of a veterinarian.
  1. Stings, Bites and other Insect-related Causes

    • Sometimes stings or bites from insects -- like spiders, mosquitoes, wasps, bees or hornets -- can cause small nodules or bumps to form on your pet's skin. Just like humans, some cats are hypersensitive to certain insects. Occasionally certain types of flies will lay their eggs in the skin of cats. A vet needs to supervise the removal of such parasites.


    • Bumps or rashes may indicate that your cat is suffering from a bacterial infection. The bump can result of an infected cut, a fungal infection (such as Sporotrichosis) or hookworms. In the case of an infection your cat needs to see a vet for the correct treatment. As with all infections, these are best if treated immediately before they spread or begin to affect your cat in other more serious ways.


    • Bumps on your cat's back can be linked to serious problems such as cancers or tumors. This requires immediate medical attention. Whether the growth is benign or malignant, vets will usually suggest the surgical removal and have them biopsied to test for cancer. Since it is often difficult to distinguish between different types of bumps without a medically trained eye, you should take your cat to a vet whenever you discover an unusual bump or sore on its body.


    • While some skin conditions in cats are linked to other more serious diseases, some are simply indicators of your cat's general health. You can prevent your cat from having future skin problems through proper care. Ensuring your cat is getting proper nutrition will have a direct result on their skin and coat. All cats, regardless of whether they are short or long-haired, should be groomed regularly. Carefully cut any matted fur as this may cause problems for your cat. Cats do not need regular bathing, but when you do bathe your pet, use a mild shampoo and dry your cat thoroughly with a towel or blow dryer.