How to Deworm a Newborn Kitten

Newborn kittens are likely to contract internal parasites, or worms, from their mothers either before they are born or while nursing. Because this is a frequent problem, it is recommended that all newborn kittens be given a round of deworming medication at three weeks of age. This will keep a kitten healthy and help avoid problems such as diarrhea and the kitten's ultimate untimely death.


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      Hold your three-week old kitten in your nondominant hand with your palm on its back and your fingers holding its face toward you. This position will force the kitten's mouth open without causing any pain or discomfort.

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      Insert the syringe containing the deworming medication into the kittens mouth with your dominant hand and depress the plunger. (The syringe will not have a needle.) The kitten's suckling instincts will cause it to swallow the medication.

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      Deworm your kitten every two weeks until it is 9 weeks old or until you receive a worm-free fecal test from the veterinarian.