Drinking Problems in Felines

Felines constitutionally do not require too much water and they do not have any inherent urge to drink water. So they generally end up drinking insufficient quantities of water. Cats face a number of health-related issues due to their drinking habits. Consumption of water goes down especially when it is freezing cold. However, you need to feel alarmed when your pet suddenly feels thirsty all the time and its water intake shoots up drastically.
  1. Dehydration

    • A cat is a small animal and about 60 percent of its body is composed of water. Even a 10 percent water loss may be fatal for a feline. The primary cause of dehydration in cats is consumption of dry food. Also, cats do not have a strong urge to drink water as they do not feel thirsty. Cats eating dry food should drink enough water to compensate for the lack of water in their food. Cats should be given canned food instead, as it has more or less same moisture content as prey in the wild.

    Kidney Disorder

    • Whenever you notice your cat drinking excessive amounts of water, you should get a blood test done as renal failure could be the cause. In this condition the kidneys do not retain water. The cat also urinates frequently as the kidneys are not able to concentrate the urine. Cats having renal failure may drink more water than usual, but that is not good enough to compensate for the water loss taking place through the kidneys. You should then consult a veterinarian who can administer subcutaneous fluids.

    Hyperthyroidism and Diabetes

    • Your pet, drinking excess water, may indicate symptoms of hyperthyroidism. This may be accompanied by loss of weight, problematic fur, increased appetite, recurrent mats or disproportionately high shedding. Consult a veterinarian for effective treatment. Increased thirst and frequent urination may also be a symptom of feline diabetes. Other symptoms that may be seen in conjunction with these problems are loss of weight, increased appetite and tremendous lethargy that makes walking very difficult.

    Drinking Water from Toilet Bowl

    • Your pet may develop a water fixation and start drinking water from the toilet. This is usually a behavioral or a physiological problem. Siamese, Persian and Burmese breeds of cats often behave in this manner due to insufficient mental stimulation. Health-related issues like renal failure, thyroid problems, diabetes or even liver malfunctions could be the cause of such a behavior. This habit should be corrected as it is unhygienic and extremely risky for your pet as it is getting exposed to toilet cleaners that are harmful to it.

    Milk and Lactose Intolerance

    • While it is absolutely essential for a kitten to have its mother's milk to gain some antibodies and develop immunity towards diseases, it is not a healthy practice to drink milk. Cats may suffer from indigestion, diarrhea and severe dehydration if they consume milk as some cats are lactose intolerant. You can opt for milk substitutes available at pet stores.