My Cat Needs More Activity: How Can I Make That Happen?

Your furry feline has become your favorite friend. He has been pampered and preened and now is becoming a lazy. Step up his activity level to prevent him from becoming overweight and also to curb his boredom. As domesticated as he may be, your house cat has a natural urge to hunt and climb. Use this to your advantage in discovering new ways to encourage and keep him active. Schedule time to play with him and keep both of you happy and healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat fishing pole toy
  • Cat tower (optional)
  • Laser light
  • Cat leash
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    • 1
      It's hard for a cat to resist it's natural urge to capture.

      Start with a fresh selection of cat toys. Cats are hunters by nature, so pick toys to get him stalking, pouncing and jumping. Encourage this level of activity with fishing pole toys with feathers or stuffed mice attached. Emulate any form of prey by hiding the toy behind furniture and darting it across the room within his eye sight. He will soon be up and hunting until he gets tired.

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      Cats love the rough texture of sisal.

      Invest in a cat tower. These towers come in a range of heights and configurations suitable for even the smallest apartment. They are tall wooden structures with perches that cats love to climb. Deluxe versions may have added shelves, ropes, tunnels and toys to encourage more exploration and play. Look for a sisal rope covering for the scratch-able areas where your cat will stretch his arms and instinctively dig in his claws.

    • 3
      Even less active cats enjoy darting around the room after a laser beam.

      Buy him a laser pointer. Most cats find it irresistible to chase the thin beam of light. Experiment with the pointer when your cat is at his most alert. Aim it at various spots around the room and he will stalk and chase it down. Move it quickly out of his reach to encourage the chase.

    • 4
      Nothing drives a cat crazier than catnip!

      Give him a whiff of catnip. Many cats become stimulated when they sniff and rub against the perennial herb. A kitty-cat "high" of sorts. The herb does not, however affect all cats. The active ingredient, Nepetalactone causes an effect similar to the hallucinogenic drug LSD. The cats that are affected may run around, roll on the floor or become somewhat hyperactive. Catnip is safe for cats.

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      Choose the right collar and take him outside.

      Go for a walk. Indoor cats may need a cat collar and leash to be safe outside. Walk him around the garden or anywhere that he will tolerate with the leash on. Some cats are more agreeable to the idea than others but it is worth a try to get him moving a little more.