How to Remove Ticks on a Skittish Cat

Safely removing ticks from a skittish cat requires planning, patience and persistence. Depending on how skittish your cat acts, it may take a few attempts to get the job done. You'll need a plan for holding or containing the cat safely -- effective methods differ between cats, as some can be lured into a cage or harness much easier than others. In the most extreme situations, it may be necessary to obtain sedatives from your veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Fine-tip tweezers
  • Disinfectant
  • Kennel, harness, towel, catnip, treats, gloves and/or toys optional
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  1. Getting Control of the Cat

    • 1

      Set a cat kennel, treats, catnip and/or toys out in an open area of your home or yard. If you're using a kennel and the cat is extremely skittish, you may have to leave it out for a couple of days so that the cat can get familiar with it. Place treats, toys and catnip inside and around the kennel to lure the cat in.

    • 2

      Use a towel to safely grab and hold the cat firmly -- this depends on the cat's level of skittishness and may not work. If you caught the cat in a kennel, it may be easiest to throw a towel or pillow case over its head and grab it from inside -- or allow it to run out into a large sheet, towel or pillow case so that you can safely hold it.

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      Attach a body harness to the cat if you can -- again, this depends on your particular cat. A harness will allow you to securely keep the cat in place without harm while you remove ticks.

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      Ask your veterinarian about proper sedatives for your cat if the above steps prove unsuccessful. Temporarily sedating your skittish cat will allow you time to remove ticks without much of a fight.

    Removing Ticks

    • 5

      Run your hands over the cat's skin to detect ticks. Common problem areas include the head, feet, ears and neck.

    • 6

      Place a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the tick.

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      Locate the head of the tick -- do not pinch or squeeze the tick's body. Grab hold of the tick with fine-tip tweezers as closely to the cat's skin as possible. Pull slowly and steadily out in a straight motion -- do not twist.

    • 8

      Place the tick in alcohol or insecticide to kill it.

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      Apply disinfectant to the wound.