How to Care for a Kitten That Is Teething

Teething is a normal part of a kitten's life when the milk teeth fall out to make way for the permanent teeth. This process starts about 11 weeks of age and continues for about five or six months until the permanent teeth are in. To keep your cat healthy throughout its life, good oral hygiene is important. Caring for your kitten's teeth while it is teething is the first step toward keeping its teeth clean. By knowing what to do, you can help your kitten through this stage of its life.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft food
  • Cat toothbrush or finger brush
  • Feline toothpaste
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      Feed your kitten soft food when it is teething. Canned food with no abrasives is a good choice. Some cats experience sore gums or bleeding when teething and don't feel like eating. Soft food is a way to get them to eat.

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      Give the kitten a teething ring. These store-bought items help to numb the gums and lessen any pain the kitten has.

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      Put food on a finger and let the kitten eat it off. This is a good way to get the kitten used to having your finger and hand near its mouth.

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      Start brushing the kitten's teeth at about six months old. Brush the kitten's teeth with a cat's toothbrush or finger brush. Use toothpaste made for cats, and brush on the outside of the teeth only.

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      Give the kitten a treat after you brush its teeth. This gets it to cooperate more in the future.