How to Raise a Black Tabby

A black tabby is not a breed of cat. The term actually refers to this cat's characteristic markings. Tabby cats come in a variety of colors and striation patterns. They are not only striped, but also may have spots or blotches. These cats may have fur which is yellow, red, brown, cream, white, black, or grey. Tabbies have long, medium, or short hair on their coats, and vary in temperament. The temperament and intelligence of your tabby will shape your experience of raising it.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitten formula
  • Bottles with feeding nipple
  • Kitten food, dry
  • 2 small bowls
  • Litter box
  • Litter
  • Cat toys
  • Small cat bed
  • Lint roller
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    • 1

      Make your black tabby kitten a warm bed. You can either purchase a small pet bed, or make your own out of a small basket or box. If you want to make your own kitten bed, make sure the side of it is low enough for the kitten to climb into. Add cloth to the bottom of the bed, like a towel, small blanket, or old T-shirt.

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      Keep your tabby kitten well-fed. If your kitten is younger than eight weeks, it may still need to be bottle fed. You can purchase bottles, kitten formula, and dry kitten food at a pet store. Put out a bowl of dry kitten food in the small bowl, and keep it filled. Also place a small bowl of water out for your kitten. Make sure this location is warm and does not have cold drafts. Keep your kitten's food close to its bed.

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      Make an appointment with your veterinarian to get your kitten vaccinated and to receive a health assessment. You may want to do this as early as two weeks after a kitten is born, if it seems to be unwell. Ask your vet to contact you when your tabby's next vaccinations are due to be administered.

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      Find out what products the veterinarian recommends to prevent fleas and ticks on your kitten, and keep current on your application of this medicine. This can reduce the likelihood of your tabby developing worms, and of fleas infesting your home.

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      Play with your kitten. You can make your own kitten toys from shoe laces, strings, ribbons, or yarn. Kittens also like to play with small balls as they get older. Ping pong balls make excellent kitten toys. You should pick one or two toys that require you to interact with your kitten, like a stick with feathers on it, or a a string. Playing with your tabby is stimulating physically, mentally, and emotionally. Playing gently will help it bond with you, helps it build aerobic muscles, and helps it develop its mental alertness and reflexes.

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      Use a lint roller to remove remove the fur your black tabby sheds on your clothes and furniture.