Instructions for Lime Sulfur Dips

Sulphur lime dips are used to treat a plethora of skin diseases on dogs and cats. Once a solution has been prepared, you can cover your dog in the dip for maximum effect. Cats can be sprayed using a hand spray bottle. Use a sponge when applying the solution to your pet's face to prevent the dip from getting in their eyes. Only apply the dip after diagnosis by a vet. Consult your vet if the animal displays any signs of allergic reaction.

Things You'll Need

  • Chemical resistant gloves
  • 4 oz. lime sulphur
  • 1 gallon of water
  • Sponge
  • Hand sprayer
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  1. Dogs

    • 1

      Put on your gloves. Mix 4 oz. of lime sulphur per gallon of water. Read instructions carefully before proceeding, as mixing instructions may vary from one product to another.

    • 2

      Bath your pet and rinse shampoo off with warm water. Pour the entire gallon of lime sulphur over your dog. Work into the animal's fur. Use a sponge to treat areas on the dog's face. Do not get any solution into the dog's eyes.

    • 3

      Allow to dry. Do not rinse the lime sulphur off. Apply every five to seven days as directed by your vet.


    • 4

      Wear your gloves. Mix 8 oz. of lime sulphur concentrate with 1 gallon of water.

    • 5

      Put the mixture in a hand spray bottle. For tame cats, spray the fur liberally and work the liquid in with your hands. If your cat resists application, spray through the mesh of a wire cage.

    • 6

      Use the sponge to apply lime sulphur to the face. Do not get any solution in the cat's eyes.

    • 7

      Allow the cat to dry. Do not rinse off. Apply twice weekly or as recommended by your vet.