How Do I Get a Sour Smell From My Cat to Go Away?

There are several different reasons why your cat might be developing a sour smell. Generally, bathing your cat daily is not a viable solution for getting the sour smell that is coming from your feline friend to go away. Identifying the source of the smell can be very helpful, but this is not always possible. When you cannot identify the source of the smell, you should take measures to eliminate the various likely culprits for the smell coming from your cat.


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      Take your cat for a visit to the vet. A sour smell could be caused by a medical condition. Be cautious and get your cat checked out before doing anything else.

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      Keep the litter box scooped and fresh. A dirty litter box will likely cause your cat to smell. Scoop several times a day and change the litter completely at least weekly.

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      Cover your trash cans in your home or put them in cupboards to make sure your cat cannot get into them. Trash can cause your cat to smell quite sour.

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      Wipe down your cat using pet wipes. This can clean the odor from a cat that's just not that great at grooming.

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      Supervise your cat at all times outdoors and wipe down the fur before bringing the cat back inside to prevent the sour smell from coming back.