Give the cat a low-protein, low-sodium and low-phosphorous diet; check in with the veterinarian to make sure you set limits on intake that are tailored to the cat. This type of diet will reduce the waste the cat's digestive system produces and filters through the kidneys. It can also control electrolyte imbalances. This type of diet can slow the progression of chronic renal insufficiency.
Phase the new food into the cat's diet. Don't suddenly introduce this new food; add a small amount of new food to the cat's current diet and gradually increase the percentage of new food with each passing day. This can take a week to a month depending on the cat, but it will keep the cat from rejecting the food outright.
Warm the food in the microwave for a few seconds before serving, which may create a pleasing aroma to the cat and make the food taste better, as well.
Mix different combinations of canned food together, as you might discover a combination that the cat particularly enjoys.
Prepare food with as much added water as you can, as more fluids will flush more toxins out of the cat's system. Avoid dry foods, if possible.
Put a couple of drops of anchovy oil on the food, which strengthens its aroma. Try hand-feeding the cat, or place some food on the cat's paws to encourage it to eat. Put a little bit of catnip in the food as well.
How to Help a Cat With a Kidney Problem Gain Weight
Kidney problems are a serious concern for cats -- particularly for older felines -- that can lead to severe weight loss and malnutrition. It's a delicate process helping a cat gain weight with a proper diet, but you can do it if you know what to feed a pet. You can follow a few steps to ensure that the cat gets the nutrients it needs and gains weight in a healthy way.