How to Care for a Short Haired Tabby Cat

Tabby cats are not considered distinctive cat breeds, although their owners may disagree. Tabby shorthaired cats feature patterns within their fur such as mackerel (fish-bone), spotted, ticked (Agouti) and classic (swirled). Tabby cats are domesticated, easy to care for and happy to live indoors. Shorthaired tabbies have wider faces and more bi-color patterns; they also tend to be larger than longhaired tabbies. Shorthairs do not have problems with matted fur, but grooming them is just as important as it is for longhaired cats.

Things You'll Need

  • High-quality cat food
  • Food dish
  • Brush
  • Triangle-shaped slicker brush
  • Fine-tooth comb
  • Guillotine-style clippers
  • Styptic Powder
  • Chamois cloth
  • Cotton balls
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Cat carrier
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  1. Feeding

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      Place other pet food out of your tabby's reach, to avoid overfeeding.

      Feed your cat a high-quality, healthy cat food. Canned and dry food can be alternated.

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      Schedule a time to feed your cat each day. Choose a non-hectic time that meets both your cat's schedule and yours. Adult short haired cats should be fed twice a day.

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      Pour the cat food into individual feeding containers if you own more than one cat. Feed different cats in different areas of the home to keep cats from eating each other's food.

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      Alternate dry and canned cat food at mealtimes if your tabby is a finicky eater. This will keep him from becoming attached to one food choice.


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      This blue tabby has a white chin, which is a common tabby feature.

      Brush your shorthair cat with a brush sold specifically for shorthaired cats. Use a triangle-shaped slicker brush carefully around your cat's face and ears. Brush your cat from the head to the tail. Be gentle when brushing across the cat's tummy.

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      Remove the loose fur from the cat with a fine-toothed comb. Repeat the gentle brushing process as described in Step 1. Repeating combing, as this will remove debris and dirt loosened by brushing.

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      Clip the cat's nails with nail trimmers specifically designed for cats, such as guillotine-style clippers. Keep styptic powder on hand to treat your cat's nail if you accidentally snip the nail and cause bleeding.

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      Smooth your hands over the cat's coat. The smoothing process helps owners detect any injuries, parasites or unusual lumps. Smooth the fur with a chamois cloth for added shine.

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      Dampen a cotton ball with clean water and gently clean the corners of the eyes. Dampen two more cotton balls and clean each ear. Do not use the same cotton ball on both ears.

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      Clean the teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for cats.

    Vaccines, Surgeries and Medication

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      Vaccines given at home are less stressful to your tabby.

      Visit the veterinarian regularly to remain up-to-date on the tabby's vaccinations. The first vaccination for kittens should be at 9 weeks of age.

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      Neuter or spay your tabby under a veterinarian's care. After the spaying or neutering process, the tabby will be unable to reproduce. This process typically lengthens a cat's life span by lowering the risk of contracting cancer.

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      Speak with your veterinarian before giving your cat sedatives or tranquilizers before traveling, as they could dangerously interfere with a cat's ability to balance, according to