How to Get Rid of Fleas on People & Kittens

When kittens develop fleas, the fleas can quickly take over an entire house. Fleas may lay eggs in carpet or furniture and jump onto people. Many traditional flea treatments are not safe to use on young kittens, which can be incredibly frustrating to pet owners. Fortunately, with a little planning, kittens and their owners can be rid of fleas.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea treatment
  • Vacuum
  • Flea comb
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      Ask your vet about the right flea treatment for your kitten. Many traditional flea treatments are not appropriate for developing kittens, so it's vital to talk to your vet. You may need to use two treatments -- one to kill existing fleas and one to kill eggs.

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      Give the flea treatment recommended by your vet to your kitten. Be sure to carefully follow the package instructions or the instructions given to you by your vet.

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      Comb your kitten with the flea comb to help to remove flea eggs and dead fleas, which will stop fleas from coming back.

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      Wash all linens used by your kitten. If your kitten has a bed or favorite toy, the fleas may have laid eggs in it. Even if you rid your kitten of fleas, they'll quickly come back if you don't wash the items frequently used by your cat.

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      Vacuum your carpet and furniture thoroughly. Fleas may lay eggs in carpets and furniture and the only way to get rid of them is to carefully vacuum. If you continue to see fleas in your carpet for more than a week after treating your kitten, ask your vet for a recommendation for a home flea treatment.