How to Weigh Your Cat

When cats gain excessive weight, it could be a sign of possible health problems. According to Doctors Foster and Smith, excessive weight places extra demands on all the organ's in a cats body, and may be a sign of the following health issues: Diabetes, arthritis, liver disease, as well as a general decrease in quality and length of life. Expecting a cat to stand still on a scale is a stretch, but with some simple arithmetic, your cat can be weighed fairly accurately.

Things You'll Need

  • Household bathroom scale
  • Pencil and paper
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    • 1

      Set your bathroom scale to zero to get a correct reading. Weigh yourself and write down the results.

    • 2

      Pick up your cat and weigh yourself while holding the cat. Write down the combined weight.

    • 3

      Subtract your weight from the combined weight of you and the cat. The remaining number is the weight of your cat.