What Are the Causes of Cat Dander?

Cats allergies are usually caused by their dander, which is the microscopic pieces of skin that they shed during the normal course of a day. If your cat seems to have more of this dander than usual, you may think that it is a form of dandruff. In a way, it is, but there are ways to treat and prevent excess dander and lessen your allergies and help your pet live comfortably.
  1. Diabetes

    • Feline diabetes is one of the causes of cat dander. If your cat begins to produce copious amounts of dander, check with your veterinarian. If your cat is obese, you will more than likely receive the advice to help your cat lose weight and to place your cat on a strict diet that will lessen their symptoms. Special foods and measured portions will be prescribed, and in some cases, insulin will help your cat's system cope.

    Inability to Groom

    • If your cat is obese, he may have trouble reaching all the places on his body that need grooming, particularly the area just before their tail. If you find that this particular spot continues to be dry, irritated and produces a lot of dander, take your cat to the groomer and have the the cat groomed to lessen the effects dander. Help your cat lose weight by consulting your veterinarian and changing their diet to accommodate weight loss. Although it will be difficult for your cat to adjust to a different diet, it will be best for your cat to lose weight and regain the flexibility required to groom themselves properly.

    Dry Skin

    • Dry skin on your feline will itch and flake at an extraordinary rate. Oftentimes this is due to a lack of proper fatty acids in their diet, including Omega-3s, which are found in fish oils and other nutrients. You can supplement your cat's diet by squeezing a capsule of fish oil over their regular food. Although the changes to your cat's skin may take up to six weeks to see, your cat will benefit enormously from the addition of these healthy oils, especially in regards to their coat, which will become noticeably more lustrous.

    Visit the Vet

    • If you still can't eliminate the dander on your cat, see a professional. Your veterinarian will be able to provide you answers in regards to specific allergies such as the skin disorder cheyletilla, known as walking dandruff, and will help you eliminate the contributing factors, such as allergens in your cat's food, that are causing the dander problems. Your pet can be allergic to simple ingredients such as wheat or soy, and will need it screened from their diet. Your veterinarian may prescribe allergy medications that he feels will offset the effects of allergy and make your pet's life more tolerable and help to eradicate the dander.