How to Get Fleas Off of a Cat

Fleas are nasty, incessant parasites that can infest your cat's fur and skin and will spread like wildfire. They can also feel like "wildfire" on your poor cat. Fleas bite, burrow, crawl and literally latch onto your cat for extended periods of time. This causes your cat to itch like crazy and comfort is not an option as long as fleas are a problem. Getting the fleas off your cat should be the first priority. Then, you must remove them from your home and tackle flea prevention strategies to prevent future infestations.

Things You'll Need

  • Your veterinarian
  • Flea shampoo
  • Water
  • Comb
  • Towel
  • Flea prevention product (pour-on or spot-on)
  • Flea spray or powder (for bedding)
  • Flea collar (for inside vacuum bag)
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    • 1

      Take your cat in to see your veterinarian. Fleas can sometimes cause more serious issues, such as hair loss, sores or even tapeworms. Get your cat checked out and follow your veterinarian's recommendations for flea removal and prevention.

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      Get the right flea shampoo. The product you use to remove the fleas should kill fleas at all levels, including larva and adult.

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      Bathe your cat using flea shampoo. Apply the shampoo at your cat's head first. Otherwise, all the fleas will run toward your cat's face. Start with the face and work your way back toward the tail. Cover all areas with the flea shampoo. Be sure to thoroughly wet the hair to the roots and work the shampoo down to the skin.

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      Let the flea shampoo sit on your cat's fur to continue killing and removing the fleas for about 15 minutes or for as long as the label recommends. Do not let your cat lick during this time.

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      Rinse your cat's fur thoroughly. Be prepared to see a lot of dead fleas coming off your cat as you rinse. Running a comb through your cat's fur as you rinse can help remove the dead fleas.

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      Towel dry your cat when you're finished so no fur is dripping wet. Monitor your cat after the bath to make sure there are no signs of chills.

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      Wait for your cat's fur to dry. Then, apply a flea prevention product, such as Revolution or Frontline, between your cat's shoulder blades where it cannot be licked off. This treatment needs to be repeated once a month. Consult with your veterinarian to choose a specific brand.

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      Wash all cat bedding and vacuum carpets and upholstery frequently. Use a cat-appropriate flea spray or powder on the clean bedding and carpets as a preventative measure.