How to Use Dirt Instead of Cat Litter

Kitty litter is an essential part of owning a cat and the proper litter can make all the difference in whether your cat continues to use the litter box or chooses somewhere else to do its business. Kitty litter comes in many forms; prior to 1950, it was simply dirt, sand or ashes. Today, kitty litter is created from a variety of materials and contains perfumes, clumping agents and other additives to make it even more absorbent and better suited for cats.


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      Clean the litter box thoroughly with a bleach and water solution to ensure it is free of germs. If the box is new this step is not as important but it is still a good idea to clean the box before use.

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      Mix equal amounts of sand and potting soil together. It is a good idea to get high quality sand and potting soil to avoid having bugs in the litter box.

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      Pour the mixture of sand and soil into the litter box. Fill it to about 3 inches from the top. This allows room for the cat to get into the box and also allows you to scoop and rake the contents.

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      Place the box in its permanent location. Introduce your cat to the box by placing it inside the box. This allows the cat to become accustomed to the box and the location.

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      Scoop and rake the mixture at least twice daily to remove urine and feces from the soil mixture. This ensures the cat always has a clean, sanitary place to go.