Remedies for a Malnourished Cat

If you've found a malnourished cat in need of care, there are a few things you can do to get them back in shape. If the cat is eating on its own, it's simply a matter of feeding them enough calories and making sure they are on an appropriate diet. If the cat isn't eating and is obviously malnourished, you need to talk to a veterinarian.
  1. Talk With Your Veterinarian

    • Talk to a veterinarian about possible health problems that may have caused the cat to become malnourished. Some cats are malnourished because they haven't been fed properly or fed enough food. But one of the symptoms of a sick cat is refusing food, so rule out any underlying problems first. A veterinarian may require blood tests or an evaluation. Veterinarians can also give cats who won't eat an appetite stimulant shot.

    Supplementing Calories

    • Feed the cat a calorie supplement such as Nutri-Cal. Nutri-Cal is a gel formula that is available from pet stores and veterinarians. Squirt it on your finger and allow the cat to lick it off. If the cat still won't eat, squirt some on the cat's paw, and they will eat it during the process of grooming.

    Change the Cat's Food

    • Some cats will starve themselves if they don't get the food they like. Try to find out what the cat was eating before. If there's no way to tell, try a variety of different foods. Cats like meat-based baby food, so try feeding some in an effort to get the cat eating. Baby food is not a complete diet, and should not be fed long term. Once the cat has started eating, you can transition them over to a proper food by substituting a progressively greater amount with each meal.

    Feed a Proper Diet

    • Cats are obligate carnivores. They must have meat protein in their diets. Make sure the food you are feeding is approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. Wet food is best for the cat, since cats do not drink enough water if fed exclusively on dry food. This can lead to chronic dehydration, which causes kidney and urinary problems.