How to Know If a Cat Is Anemic

When a cat's body doesn't produce enough red blood cells, it becomes anemic. Anemia commonly occurs in cats with a severe parasite infestation including fleas and roundworms. An anemic cat needs medical treatment quickly because the condition often leads to death. Without the proper amount of red blood cells, oxygen doesn't reach all parts of the body effectively. It also hinders all of the bodily functions necessary for the cat to live.


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      You can also check the cat's gums when it yawns.

      Carefully open the cat's mouth by applying a small amount of pressure on the jaw joint with your fingers. Check the color of the gums. According to the Floppy Cat website, the gums should look pink.

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      Stand a few feet away from the cat. Use the method your normally use to call it (shaking treat container, for example). Watch for lethargy.

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      Take the cat to the vet. Only a vet test can confirm anemia in cats.