How to Get Rid of Fleas on a Kitten With Dawn

What you may have heard about Dawn dish detergent is true --- it can be used to rid your kitten of fleas. In fact, it is the method preferred by many pet care experts. Dawn is gentler and altogether less dangerous than flea medicines and shampoos meant for older cats. If you have a kitten less than six weeks old with fleas, use Dawn to safely get rid of the infestation.

Things You'll Need

  • Bathtub or sink
  • Sponge
  • Towel
  • Dawn
  • Flea comb
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    • 1

      Fill the bathtub or a sink with lukewarm water (gentle enough for a baby of any species) and dip your kitten in up to its neck. Do not submerge the kitten's head --- gently wet around the head and face with your hand or a sponge.

    • 2

      Pull the kitty out of the water and place it on a towel. Massage Dawn detergent into its fur, working into a lather. Treat the kitten's neck, head and ears, but take care not to get any soap in the feline's eyes.

    • 3

      Dip your kitten back into the water and rinse the soap from all areas of fur. If possible, keep the cat in the water for a minute or two to drown any submerged fleas.

    • 4

      Take your kitten out of the water and dry it off with a towel. Work quickly, before it gets too cold.

    • 5

      Check the animal thoroughly for any remaining fleas. Go over your kitten's entire body with a fine-toothed comb (literally). Brush the coat. Be especially sure to check the head and inside your cat's ears --- fleas may have headed toward dry land while inside the tub.