How to Treat Abrasions & Wounds in a Cat

If your cat suffers a wound or abrasion, it is important to treat it as promptly as possible. Many wounds or abrasions are minor and can be treated at home. More serious wounds and injuries require a trip to the veterinarian. Sometimes you may not notice a wound until it has already scabbed over, but a scabbed over-wound needs proper treatment as well. The primary concern in dealing with cat wounds and abrasions is the risk of infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Gauze
  • Sterilizing solution/saline solution/ soap
  • Cotton swabs
  • Flashlight
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Chlorhexidine solution
  • Tweezers
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  1. Fresh Wounds and Abrasions

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      Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile piece of gauze to stop the bleeding. Continue applying pressure until the bleeding ceases.

    • 2

      Clean and sterilize the wound. Pet first aid kits that include wound sterilizers are available at pet stores. Saline solutions and warm soap and water work as well. Clean the wound with the cleaning solution and a cotton swab.

    • 3

      Shine a flashlight on the wound and carefully inspect it for embedded debris. Make an appointment with the veterinarian if the wound has embedded debris that you are unable to remove.

    • 4

      Apply an antibiotic ointment or spray to the wound. Cover the wound with a gauze bandage. Continue applying the antibiotic ointment two to four times a day for the recommended length of time.

    Scabbed-Over Wounds

    • 5

      Soften the scab with a cotton swab and chlorhexidine solution. Wipe the scab with the cotton swab until it becomes loose.

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      Gently remove the scab. Use tweezers if necessary. Apply light pressure to the wound with a piece of gauze. Squeeze out the pus or liquid from the wound. Rinse the area with a cotton swab and chlorhexidine solution.

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      Apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound. Don't bandage the wound. Repeat the procedure every 12 hours for three or four days.