Cat Mange Remedy

Sarcoptic mange is commonly caused by a scabies mite that burrows into the skin of both dogs and cats (and humans). Cats that spend a lot of time outdoors can be very susceptible to this disease. Although mange is more common in dogs than cats, if a family cat gets it, there are treatments that come be done at home to help cure them before the mange gets out of hand, as it can be spread to others in the house.

Things You'll Need

  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 cup of almond oil
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      Mix together 1 cup of almond oil with 10 drops of essential lavender oil. Lavender is healing. It will kill the mites, help heal the skin and it will stop the itching that the mites cause. It may be necessary to get a cone collar for the cat to keep it from licking the lavender off.

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      Apply the mixture daily, directly to the area(s) affected by mange. Continue applying this mixture each day until the cat's hair begins to grow back. Since this is a natural remedy it will not harm the cat. Lavender is even safe for ingestion, according to "Mosby's Handbook of Herbs &Natural Supplements."

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      Clean the buildup of oil off after the healing process has begun (once hair growth begins). Keep the cat indoors during this treatment process to ensure they do not become re-infected. It is best to start treatment early and to not stop until it is obvious that healing has begun.