Feline Dandruff Remedy

Veterinarians can learn a lot about a cat's health just by looking at the condition of its coat. Dandruff in cats is not just unsightly, it's usually a sign that something is wrong.
  1. Causes

    • Dry skin, inadequate diet and obesity are the most common causes of dandruff in cats. Other causes are diabetes, allergies, kidney disease and heart disease.


    • A cat's skin is made up of squamous cells. These flat cells have tough membranes that consist of proteins and fats. The fur is made up almost entirely of protein.


    • Cats use protein from animal sources more efficiently than they use proteins from grains. Feeding your cat a meat-based diet can keep its skin in top condition and prevent dandruff.

    Fatty Acids

    • Vitamin E and the essential fatty acids in fish oil can also improve the condition of the cat's skin and prevent dandruff. Health food stores sell both vitamin E and fish oil gel capsules, and the contents can be mixed with your cat's food. Your veterinarian will tell you the correct dose for your cat.


    • Combing your cat with a flea or greyhound comb will remove dead hair, distribute skin oils and get rid of dandruff.