Profender is a no-mess treatment. The worm treatment is applied to the back of your cat's neck. The medication, which is absorbed into the cat's bloodstream, reaches the intestines and kills the worms. It should be applied once every three months.
Kittens can benefit from the Profender. Cats 8 weeks old and older, including those that are pregnant, may be treated with Profender, the website Vetinfo explains. Lactating cats may also be treated.
Side Effects
Use precaution when using Profender. Vomiting and drooling occurs if a cat licks the medication. Hair loss at application site can occur. Ingesting the medication can be dangerous for your cat.
After using Profender, an assessment from your veterinarian is important to ensure that your cat is clear of worms. Stool samples will be required to check for worm activity.
Profender Worm Treatment
Parasitic worms can cause health complications for cats, and they may also be transmitted to you and your other pets, explains the website of Profender, a topical feline worm treatment manufactured by Bayer.