Symptoms of Poisioning in Cats

Cats are curious creatures and may unwittingly consume harmful substances. Substances such as antifreeze and pesticides can be lethal to cats if swallowed. If your cat ingests poisonous material, you should take it to a veterinarian immediately.

If your cat seems healthy, but you suspect it ingested a poisonous substance, keep it under close observation because symptoms may not present themselves immediately.
  1. Lethargy

    • Lethargy is a common symptom of poisoning. If your normally active and playful cat suddenly starts sleeping excessively and displays any unusual weakness, observe it closely.


    • A cat that has swallowed poison will probably begin vomiting a few hours after ingestion. This is alarming to witness but is actually a positive sign. The sooner the poisonous substance is expelled, the less likely it is to enter the bloodstream.


    • Your cat may become very agitated after ingesting poison. It may constantly lick itself and chew its paws. It may seem unable to rest and wander aimlessly.

    Unable to Balance

    • Loss of balance is another symptom of cat poisoning. Pay close attention if your cat is unable to walk or sit normally and is unsteady on its feet.


    • A poisoned cat may drool excessively. The excess drool is a sign that your cat has lost control of its salivary glands. However, there are other causes of drooling, such as tooth decay. Drooling without other symptoms present is probably not a sign of poisoning.

    Rapid Breathing

    • Cats that have been poisoned may suddenly begin breathing rapidly and superficially. A sudden onset of rapid breathing is an obvious sign of poisoning.