How to Move Your Pet Cat

Moving can be stressful, especially if you are moving with a cat. Moving can cause stress for your cat, but you can take steps to reduce this stress during the move, and make the move smoother for your family. According to Cat World's website, if you have a particularly nervous cat, you should consult your veterinarian to see if she recommends a calming medicine for your move.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat carrier
  • Small litter pan
  • Litter
  • Food
  • Water
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    • 1

      Pack one room at a time, according to Cat World's website. All the activity and unfamiliar boxes can be upsetting for your cat. Leaving it at least one familiar, intact room can help reduce stress while you are packing your home.

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      Attach a cat collar with your cat's contact information on an identification tag. If it gets lost during or after the move, this identification tag will make it easier for you to reunite with it. According to Doctors Forester and Smith's website, if your cat gets too stressed out, it may try to return to your old, familiar home.

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      Ask your veterinarian for records and proof of vaccines. You will need these records to give to your new veterinarian and your new landlord, if applicable. Keep these records easily accessible at all times during your move. Do not pack them away.

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      Take your cat on short car trips before the move to get it used to riding in the car. Place the cat in the cat carrier and secure the carrier to the seat with the seat belt. Drive it around on increasingly longer trips to help it adjust to riding in a car.

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      Prepare a small litter box for the trip. If possible, find a small litter box that will fit in the cat's carrier. According to Doctors Forester and Smith's website, your cat may need to use the litter box more often than normal due to the stress of the move. Bring enough litter to change its litter box frequently.

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      Provide food and water throughout the trip. Plenty of food and water can help reduce its stress level.

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      Designate one room of your new home for your cat. At first it will feel uncomfortable in your new home, according to the Cat World website. Cats are territorial, so give it some time to become comfortable. It will venture out of the room once it starts to get used to the new surroundings.