Signs & Symptoms of Food Allergies in Cats

Food allergies in cats can occur months after initial exposure to certain foods, and often it takes more than one exposure before signs and symptoms are present. The most common foods that contribute to allergies are dairy products, wheat gluten, seafood, corn, soy, beef and lamb. Food allergy symptoms are similar to inhalant allergies; however, inhalant allergies tend to change along with the seasons, but food allergies do not.
  1. Pruritic Skin

    • Pruritic skin, commonly referred to as itchy skin, is a symptom of food allergies in cats. This condition causes a cat to scratch and bite at itself to relive the itchiness. This frequent scratching and biting occurs most commonly around the face, paws, ears and the base of the tail. A cat with pruritic skin will usually have noticeable hot spots, or areas that are the itchiest.


    • Red, itchy bumps, called papules, often form because of a food allergy. Generally found around the head, neck and back of the cat, these red bumps become crusty once the cat scratches them open.

    Skin Infections

    • Constant scratching and biting of itchy skin can cause hair loss and open wounds. If left untreated, skin infections will occur. Oftentimes a foul odor is noticed when a skin infection is present. Antibiotics can treat the skin infection but not the allergy itself. Knowing what food is causing the allergic reaction is the first step to eliminating the itchy skin and permanently healing any skin infections associated with the scratching.

    Ear Infections

    • Chronic ear infections, especially yeast infections, occur as a result of food allergies. Antibiotics may take care of the ear infection, but within a matter of weeks the infection will recur until steps are taken to eliminate the food product causing the allergic reaction.