How to Use Herbal Tinctures for Cats

Herbal tinctures are natural liquid extracts made from fresh or dried medicinal plant parts and a liquid base. The liquid base is most commonly a 100 or more proof grain alcohol such as vodka or brandy, but may also be vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar, according to Herbal Remedies Info. After soaking for 6 to 8 weeks, the liquids are strained and used for medicinal purposes. Use these remedies for cats to treat certain medical conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbal tincture
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    • 1

      Purchase or make an herbal tincture for your cat, preferably one made with glycerin. Reduce the alcohol content of the herbal tincture if the base contains grain alcohol, as alcohol is not safe for cats to ingest and may irritate skin if applied topically. Do this by removing the top of the bottle of tincture, placing the bottle in a double boiler, boiling for 10 to 15 minutes and replacing the liquid that evaporates with boiling water. After cooling, the tincture will contain 50 percent less alcohol and is safe to use with cats, according to Well Vet. Since the tincture is no longer preserved, keep it in the refrigerator and use a different dropper to dispense the medicine to your cat to avoid contamination of the tincture.

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      Administer the tincture orally to your cat to treat certain medical conditions. Liquid tinctures are given in the cheek pouch of the cat, between the cheek and gums inside the mouth. Place your cat on a chair, wrap it in a towel and hold it in place to give the liquid medicine. Fill a dropper with the desired amount of tincture, then hold your cat's mouth open with the index finger of one hand, while putting the dropper into the cheek pouch of the cat and emptying the dropper into the cat's mouth. You can also rub the tinctures on your cat's teeth and gums with your finger.

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      Give your cat the tincture in water or food instead of directly by mouth if they are too difficult to handle. Mix the desired dose, usually 2 to 3 drops, with a small amount of soft, canned cat food, cream cheese or tuna juice. Watch your cat eat the food to ensure all of it is consumed. You can add flower essences like Bach Rescue Remedy to water for your cat to consume throughout the day or rub it behind his ears and on paw pads to be absorbed through skin or licked off by your cat. These essences calm cats during stressful situations.

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      Mix a few drops of herbal tinctures with beeswax or calendula cream to apply to skin rashes or small cuts. The tinctures sooth the cuts and the cream is safe for cats if licked. Herbal tinctures made from chamomile, violets, dandelion, horsetail and spirulina all help calm itchy, irritated skin on cats, according to Vetinfo. Apply tinctures made of eucalyptus, citronella, yarrow or sage to eliminate fleas. Goldenseal has antibacterial properties and can be used for certain skin infections. In addition to direct skin application with a cream base, add 3 to 5 drops of tinctures to the bath water of a cat to soothe skin conditions.

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      Use the tinctures on a short-term basis with cats to avoid side effects. Long-term use can also lead to the formation of an immunity to the tincture. According to Waltz's Ark, The Herbal Encyclopedia, use tinctures for two weeks, then take one week off from use. Herbs that take a while to build up in the body to be effective are an exception to this rule. Administer several doses throughout the day, rather than one big dose, to boost the immune system much faster.