Common Signs of Fungal Infection
When a cat is noticed licking its paws excessively, the fungus might be in the developmental stages and not yet visible. As the fungus progresses, the cat might exhibit difficulty walking, audible whines that are signs of pain and advancement in fungal growth. At this time, you might notice swelling or redness around the cat's nails or even abnormal nail coloration.
Onychomycosis is the medical term for fungal infection.
Causes of Fungal Infections
Traumatic injury to the area can aid in fungal growth, allowing for a portal of entry. A traumatic injury could be something as simple as cutting the cat's nails too close. If a cat is suffering from a depressed immune system such as feline leukemia, fungus will be more readily able to latch on and grow.
A veterinarian will make the diagnosis of a fungal infection. This is done by a visual inspection first, then samples of the area will taken and observed for growth to determine the best treatment course.
Traditional treatment for a cat's nail fungus is a topical anti-fungal cream, and the course of treatment is usually three to five days. The Prognosis is usually good with minimal recurrence.
Fungus in Feline Nail Beds
Normally resistant to most illnesses, cats are subjected to several specific fungal disorders of the claws and nail beds. These medical disorders can be treated, allowing the cat to continue living a fulfilling life.