Are Jade Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, jade plants are toxic to cats. Jade plants contain an unidentified toxic principle that makes cats ill when they eat the plant. Jade plants are also toxic to dogs, making them a poor choice for any home with pets.
  1. Significance

    • Cats eat greens for their digestion. Greens add missing fiber to cats' diets. Greens also help felines eliminate hairballs. Cats eat houseplants when they don't have a fresh supply of cat grass at their disposal. Cats do not know the jade plant is toxic and will eat it in an effort to aid digestive woes.


    • Instead of helping the indigestion, eating the jade plant causes additional digestive distress. A cat will become nauseous, vomit and suffer from diarrhea. Depending on the type of jade plant the cat ate, it might also lose its coordination and its heart rate might drop. Only the jade plant causes the last two dangerous side effects; silver and Chinese jades only cause the digestive symptoms.

    Expert Insight

    • The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center advises cat owners to stay calm if their feline has ingested a toxic jade plant. Gather the cat and the regurgitated remnants of plant and take both to the veterinarian immediately. If you need further assistance, contact the ASPCA's poison control hotline at 888-426-4435. A $65 fee applies for this service as of October 2010.