Take out the dosage cup and pour the measurement for the weight of your cat. For pets over six weeks, use 1/2 teaspoon per every 5 pounds.
Offer the DeWormer liquid to your cat on a spoon. If you have a picky pet, use other methods.
Mix the medicine in with your cat's food. Although cats have an amazing sense of smell, you can probably get away with this method.
Put the DeWormer in a medicine dropper (like the kind you use for babies) and put it directly in your cat's mouth. If you are willing to wait, notice when your cat yawns and squeeze the dropper into its mouth. If not, gently grab your cat by the face with your thumb on one side and your fingers on the other so you can open the mouth. With this choice you have to be careful, especially of the cat's claws and teeth, if your cat tends to snap or bite at unpleasant experiences.
Give your cat the DeWormer for at least a week, unless your veterinarian suggests a different amount of time.
How to Use Excel Feline Dewormer
If your cat has parasites, such as worms, in its intestines, you'll want a safe and effective product to get rid of them. Excel Feline DeWormer is conveniently in a liquid form with a taste cats enjoy and can be given either in your cat's food or straight from a spoon. When giving your cat any medications it is a good idea to check with your veterinarian for possible side-effects, potential allergies or other recommendations.