Red Clover Side Effects in Cats

Red clover is a medicinal plant that helps cure cancers or tumors, skin diseases, ulcerations, and other ailments not only in people but in pets as well. However, good things can often have a negative side; in this case, the medicinal plant can cause side effects in cats and other pets. These side effects vary, depending on the situation.

Although red clover has been used for hundreds of years as a medicinal plant, it continues to have certain side effects which should be considered before the herb is given to cats.
  1. Toxicity

    • Like most medicines, herbal or chemical, red clover is toxic when given in large amounts. However, it could be quite difficult to determine how much is enough and how much is already toxic. The best thing to do is not to medicate the cat without proper instructions from a veterinarian. Consult a vet and follow his instructions on the amount of medication and the frequency that the medication is applied to prevent overdose.

      Sometimes, owners forget if they have already given the cat its medication so they give the cat the medication twice. Make a medicine schedule and mark it when the dose was already administered.


    • Pregnant animals treated with red clover or those allowed to graze on these plants (such as cattle) have been observed to have a difficulty reaching full term, according to the EarthNotes website. Thus, it is best to keep pregnant cats away from red clover.


    • Animals who ate or were treated with this herbal medicine may have difficulty getting pregnant at all. Thus, owners who are planning on breeding their cats are advised to find other medications to treat their ailments than risk making them infertile in the process.


    • Coumarin, the chemical that was instrumental for the development of warfarin, was discovered in clover. This anti-coagulant is used for the treatment of blood clots; thus, it can cause hemorrhaging. Thus, as much as possible, red clover must be kept away from cats and animals to avoid hemorrhaging.


    • Cats sensitive to salicylic acid or those taking corticosteroids or nonsteroidal medications should not be administered red clover as this can cause interactions with the medication and allergies on the cat.