Homeopathic Remedies for Cats

Homeopaths treat physical disturbances through "remedies" that produce similar symptoms in healthy individuals as in those being treated. Some veterinarians prescribe tinctures to treat a wide variety of animal injuries and illnesses. They introduce homeopathy into their veterinary practice, either in conjunction with conventional veterinary medicine or as an alternative. Cat owners who want to use homeopathic medicine for sick felines can find veterinarians who practice animal homeopathy.
  1. Eczema

    • A combination of Belladonna, HPUS, Lymph Sarcode, and Skin Sarcode can relieve eczema in cats. Cat eczema, also known as "military dermatitis," occurs when the cat's skin reacts to allergies, infections and inflammation. Many people call feline eczema "blotch" or "scabby cat disease." Feline eczema commonly causes feline hair loss. Cat eczema also occurs as a result of fleas. Holistic veterinarians encourage cat owners to prevent their pet from contracting fleas by administering one-half teaspoon of brewers yeast per day or by grinding up a clove of garlic in the cat's food once daily.

    Urinary Tract Problems

    • Many castrated male cats develop problems with urine blockage. Symptoms include spending a lot of time in the litter box and straining when trying to eliminate. When these symptoms appear, the cat owner should administer a bach flower calming essence every five minutes together with Thlaspi Bursa. Take the cat to the veterinarian for additional care. Afterward, give phos to reduce bleeding, hydrastis to heal the urinary tract's interior mucous membranes, cuprum met to overcome the urethral sphincter spasms, cantharis to help the cat's urination and the bach flower essence to relieve the cat's fear and anxiety.

    Upper Respiratory Illnesses

    • Upper respiratory illnesses pass among cats through airborne particles, causing fever, loss of appetite and mucus discharge from the cat's nostrils, eyes and mouth. Conventional treatments can address secondary infections and symptoms but not the underlying respiratory virus. Recommended homeopathic tinctures include crotalus horridus HPUS as well as aletris farinosa HPUS and senega officinalis HPUS.