Natural Cures for Fleas on Cats

Fleas are not only difficult to eradicate but also potentially harmful to your cat. Flea bites can cause anemia, tapeworms and flea allergy dermatitis, according to Cat World. Prevent cat health issues by eliminating fleas naturally---but know that just because a product contains natural ingredients does not mean it is safe to use on your cat. Always read labels for natural products, and only buy cat-specific products because products formulated for other animals might harm your cat, according to the Doctors Foster and Smith website.
  1. Flea Combs

    • Groom your cat daily with a flea comb that has special, very fine teeth that are smaller than fleas. According to Earth Easy, concentrate grooming on the lower back near the tail base. After brushing your cat, rinse any fleas found into a basin of hot, soapy water to kill them and prevent them from escaping into your home, says Pet Place. In addition to fleas, your grooming might find flea feces, which appears as black, pepper-like flecks that turn red when placed on a paper towel and wet, says Earth Easy. Continue grooming until you remove all fleas from your cat.

    Natural Shampoos

    • To remove fleas from your cat, wash it with a gentle, natural shampoo. Look for non-toxic shampoos that contain Neem oil to help kill fleas. Although some natural flea shampoos contain citrus oils, these can cause toxicity in cats, so avoid them, according to Pet Place. For safety, use a basic, gentle soap, as this is sufficient to remove fleas on your cat.

    Natural Flea Powders

    • Use a natural, non-toxic flea powder containing herbs and diatomaceous earth, a mineral substance formed by the fossil remains of prehistoric algae, that kills fleas, according to Only Natural Pet. Sprinkle the powder on your cat's fur, bedding, carpets, furniture and outdoors in the yard. Avoid your cat's eyes and nose when using this powder. You can also create your own herbal flea powder by combining dry herbs of eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, yellow dock, wormwood and rue, according to My Healthy Cat.

    Herbal Flea Collars

    • Herbal flea collars contain a combination of essential oils to kill and prevent fleas on cats. Although these do not contain pesticides, essential oils can cause toxicity in cats, according to Earth Easy. Monitor your cats when wearing these collars to avoid skin irritation or other reactions.


    • Some natural home remedies such as brewer's yeast, borax and garlic have not been shown effective against fleas in cats and might be toxic to them, according to Pet Place. Always wash all bedding and vacuum carpets to remove the fleas living in your home. When vacuuming carpets, add 2 tbsp. of herbal flea powder to the bag to kill fleas, according to Only Natural Pet.