Feline Nose Problems

A cat experiencing various problems with its nose could be the sign that there is a larger health issue and a trip to the vet may be needed.
  1. Nosebleeds

    • A cat experiencing a nosebleed on either one or both sides could be a sign that it has a urinary tract infection, leukemia or injury. If the weather is exceptionally dry, your cat's nose may be bleeding because the air around is too dry. If nosebleeds continually happen, seek a vet for assistance.


    • According to Kitten Care online, sneezing often may be a sign that the cat has allergies or a viral or bacterial infection. Cats may sneeze if allergic to the type of litter in its litter box. Medication may be necessary if a sneezing cat has the flu.

    Runny Nose

    • Runny noses and watery eyes are signs that your cat should see a veterinarian. Antibiotics may be needed because runny noses are typically a symptom of respiratory infection or bacterial infection.