Cat Urinary Tract Symptoms

A number of things can cause a feline urinary tract infection, including bacteria in the urinary tract. This type of infection can be painful and needs to be treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, further complications may arise, causing permanent damage. It's important that cat owners be familiar with the symptoms so they can spot a urinary tract infection when it arises.
  1. Blood in Urine

    • Blood in the urine is big indicator that there is something wrong. Even if there are no other accompanying symptoms, it's important to take your cat to the vet if blood is present in the urine. This is a common sign of a urinary tract infection.

    Frequent Urination

    • A urinary tract infection can cause the bladder to constantly feel like it's full. If you notice your cat using the litter box much more frequently than usual, it may be because it is suffering from an infection. Another tell-tale sign is that little to no urine comes out during the cat's many trips to the litter box.

    Improper Litter Box Use

    • If your cat is suddenly having problems using the littler box, it may be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Improper use may include the cat urinating or defecating outside the box. When an infection is present, the urine sometimes has a very strong, foul smell. Cats are unable to stand the smell, so they will start defecating or urinating elsewhere.


    • If your cat begins crying for no apparent reason, it might be trying to alert you to a health problem. The crying may occur at a random place or time, or it can happen when the cat is cleaning its' genitals or trying to urinate. Take your cat to the veterinarian if this happens.

    Excessive Genital Cleaning

    • Some cats deal with the pain or irritation caused by urinary tract infections by licking their genitals. Like any other wound, they are trying to clean it in order to heal it. If they are cleaning their genitals more than usual it can be a sign that something is wrong.