How do I Find a Feline Kidney Transplant Support Group?

Feline kidney failure is similar to human kidney failure in that there are two types, chronic and acute. Acute is a sudden onset of symptoms from things like poison exposure or reaction to medicine. If it is caught it time it may not cause lasting damage to the kidneys. Chronic kidney failure means there is no way to reverse damage. However, you can slow the progress of the disease and make your cat more comfortable. Support groups are available for those who have lost a cat to kidney failure, are currently taking care of a cat with the disease or are waiting for a transplant.


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      Look for groups based on what you need, such as whether your cat is currently awaiting a kidney transplant or is recovering from one. Support groups for those who have lost a cat to chronic renal failure (CRF) are also available. Feline CRF Support Group was the original email list about CRF in cats and was started in February 1997. Use it to exchange ideas, find information and share your feelings.

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      Find out if there are any support groups in your area. Most cat kidney-related support groups and mailing lists are online, but some are locally focused. For example, A Cat Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., offers a kidney failure support group which includes home care, help in understanding clinical testing, and tips on topics such as administering fluids, how to setup the fluid bag, monitoring your cat's condition and recognizing problems.

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      Join the group or mailing list of your choice. Many groups are Yahoo! Group-based and therefore require a Yahoo email address to participate. Use your existing account or create an account so as to join the appropriate group.