How to Clean Cats' Ears With Peroxide

Your cat's ears are very sensitive and can easily get infected from bacteria and wax buildup. Cat ears are also very prone to mites, which can give the animal a hard time balancing properly if it goes untreated. Especially waxy ears may take a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to clear out. When cleaning your cat's ears, it is important to be careful and gentle. Using the proper technique will allow you to clean the ears out with success.

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Cotton ball
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      Gently pinch the ear flaps together and rub the outside of the cat's ears using your fingernails to break up and loosen any clinging wax or debris.

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      Dip a cotton ball in a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide, just enough to slightly dampen the ball.

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      Glide the cotton ball from the inside of the ear upward towards the tip of the ears to wipe away the wax. Turn the cotton ball over or use fresh ones as needed until the ear is clean.