Holistic Remedies for a Dying Cat

If your cat is dying, you may be considering alternative treatments. Alternative remedies are believed by many to work in tandem with prescribed medicines. If you plan on following a holistic approach, do not discontinue any treatment a veterinarian has prescribed as this may cause your pet more pain. Discuss any holistic treatments you are considering pursuing with a vet before commencing.
  1. Flower Essences

    • Some alternative health advocates believe that flower essences can help to ease a dying cat's final days. Such advocates believe that flowers release a vibration which can be used to counter the "negative vibrations," in this case those vibrations that the dying animal is experiencing. Flower essence counselors believe that by ingesting the essence of certain plants and flowers, the ill pet will begin to resonate its vibration in harmony with that of the flower. In her book " The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs &Cats," Diane Stein recommends "Easter lily" or "golden chalice" essences to aid in the cat's transition and "sky vine" or "gardenia" essences to comfort the animal.

    Acupuncture and Acupressure

    • Acupuncture and acupressure originated in Asia centuries ago. They have both been used since then in treating animals and humans, to ease pain and improve quality of life. Acupressure therapists press on "pressure points" of the body to encourage better circulation; acupuncturists use a number of needles to achieve the same effect. Even when a pet is dying, both treatments can be used to make the dying process more comfortable and less distressing. Both treatments are believed to release endorphins, the hormone which regulates how much pain is felt and promote peaceful sleeping. If a cat is dying, neither will revive the animal but both can help to make the interim before death more pleasant.


    • Reiki works on the principle that healing energy can be transferred from one living thing to another. Reiki therapists hold their hands over patients and imbue them with energy from their hands. Many reiki practitioners believe that animals benefit more from the treatment than humans as they absorb more healing energy. Reiki is commonly used on cats and there are centers that cater only to animals. Advocates of reiki say that it can ease the anxiety of a dying animal and help it transition into death more peacefully.